Longitude73 Blog

A Journey To Local Content Optimization

Written by Mike Raleigh | Apr 06, 2018

As marketers, we spend so much money trying to get people’s attention that when we do, it’s imperative that we maximize the opportunity and cut through.

You see, we’re experts at helping brands achieve a credible local content presence by delivering scalable and contextually relevant brand experiences that help drive salience and conversion across their channels.

We call our area of expertise Local Content Optimization (LCO)

We sort of stumbled into this expertise unwittingly. You see In Pleasantville, New York, in 1999, it was the defeat of a local school bond issue that sparked an idea. Ted Buerger served as the co-chair of a committee tasked with the endeavor of preparing an alternative option. It was the idea of creating a central website to serve as a community forum that opened the doors for a new platform—a platform for a community to have their voices heard. The school bond passed because of the success of this website. Struck by the power of a digital “town square,” Buerger teamed up with now co-founders Jim Maglione and Ed Panian to form AmericanTowns.

What began as only a forum for Pleasantville, expanded to 29,000 towns across the country by 2008. It was AmericanTowns’ unmatched ability to connect with communities that prompted AARP to approach the company in 2012 for help to establish a more local presence. Six years later, 80 percent of their members now feel that AARP is very much a part of their local community. Subsequently, AmericanTowns partnered with several other well-known brands to further the goal of providing credible local engagement. Among those included an airline, a prominent national business directory looking to adopt a more community-centric approach, as well as a national trade association seeking help with the launch of a local outdoor website to connect with a younger audience. Over the years, AmericanTowns has proven to be a trusted resource for bringing together people, brands, places, and events. This goal of keeping a community connected coincides seamlessly with the needs of clients, present and future.